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Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG)
SEEG using depth electrodes allows the identification of epileptogenic zones for tailored resection surgery in patients with refractive epilepsy.
In SEEG we place up to 20 intracerebral electrodes in order to identify the epileptogenic zone and map eloquent structures. Thanks to the use of the neuromate system, every target can be reached with a combination of speed and sub-millimetric accuracy.
Dr. Francesco Cardinale
Ospedale Niguarda Ca'Granda, Milan, Italy
The Renishaw robot is a significant step forward for epilepsy surgery in Wales. The increased accuracy and reduced operating time using neuromate® for intracranial electrode placement, enables us to investigate and treat even the most complex cases, to achieve seizure freedom for our patients.
Prof. William Gray
Professor of Functional Neurosurgery
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales
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