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Progress in medical imaging and treatment modalities for brain tumours are driving a re-evaluation of the role of stereotactic biopsies. Their appeal derives from their reliability enabling a confident diagnostic, without clinical aggravation or delay in treatment.
How can we help?
We can provide software to assist in the planning of the route to target, an accurate guidance mechanism with our stereotactic robot and the tooling and needles for the biopsy procedure itself.
The neuromate® was used in the frameless mode. In 18 of 19 biopsies, diagnostic tissue was obtained. In one case the tissue obtained was not diagnostic but a postoperative scan confirmed that the biopsy had been obtained from the area of abnormality.
Varma & Eldridge (2006). Use of the neuromate stereotactic robot in a frameless mode for functional neurosurgery. MRCAS 2:2 107-13
Robot-guided biopsy is an accurate procedure allowing easier transcerebellar approach than frame-based stereotactic biopsies.
Haegelen et al. (2006). Robotic stereotactic biopsies in the management of brain stem lesions: about a first series of 15 patients. Acta Neurochirurgica 148 XLIX
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