Software literature
Brochure: WiRE Software
Renishaw’s Windows®-based Raman Environment (WiRE™) software is dedicated to Raman spectroscopy and is the power behind Renishaw’s Raman spectrometers.
Product note: WiRE software - Spectrum Search
The Spectrum Search software module enables the user to rapidly and accurately identify unknown spectra from pure materials and mixtures.
Product note: Particle Analysis module
Details of the Particle Analysis Module that enables you to focus on chemically identifying multiple particles and correlating this information with morphology parameters, such as diameter, length and aspect ratio.
Product note: WiRE software: masking data
Masking hides unwanted data from the analysis process, so you get better analytical results. Mask data based on geometric shapes, images, and spectral features.
Product note: Cluster analysis and data classification
The ability to group highly similar spectral data is a key result for research areas including biology and medicine. It enables qualitative conclusions to be drawn objectively based on statistics, rather than subjectively based on an analyst’s experience.
Product note: Automated data collection and analysis with WiRE™ software
Collecting and analysing Raman data with a manual step-by-step workflow can be labour intensive. Renishaw’s Raman systems provide automated Raman analysis, allowing you to maximise system activity and minimise operator time investment.
WiRE training modules
We have produced a range of training modules and videos to help you get the most from WiRE software.
You can request access to the training modules by clicking the button below.