Analytical sciences literature
Downloads: analytical sciences (art and heritage)
Application note: SCA oxidation application note - cultural heritage
SEM-SCA analysis helps in the preservation of a corroding bronze statue of the Roman god Ares from the ancient city of Zeugma in Turkey.
Case study: Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty
Renishaw's inVia Raman microscope used to help identify pigments on the terracotta figures at Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum in China
Downloads: analytical sciences (forensics)
Брошюра: Рамановский конфокальный микроскоп inVia™ InSpect [ru]
Прекрасное дополнение к средствам следового анализа вашей криминалистической лаборатории
Data sheet: inVia InSpect confocal Raman microscope
The Renishaw inVia InSpect confocal Raman microscope has been optimised for use in forensic laboratories for trace analysis.
Рекомендации по применению: Анализ следов продуктов выстрела с помощью inVia™ InSpect [ru]
Application note: Particle analysis of trace fingerprint residue
Details of how the inVia™ Qontor© confocal Raman microscope and Particle Analysis software module were used to analyse traces of material in fingerprint residues.
Application note: Analysing gunshot residues with Raman microscopy
Gunshot residues (GSR) are debris expelled from a discharged firearm. They often form a vital part of forensic examinations into firearm assaults. Raman spectroscopy is an excellent tool for studying GSR as it can analyse the chemical forms of both inorganic and organic GSR compounds, and distinguish them from other environmental residues.
Downloads: analytical sciences (contamination)
Application note: Morphologically targeted Raman analysis of microplastic particles
Details of using an inVia™ Raman microscope and Particle Analysis software to determine the composition and morphology of particles in a commercially available bottle of mineral water.
Application examples
We have also produced a range of application examples, including the following.
If you would like to find out more, please contact your local representative using the button below, quoting the relevant document reference.
Document reference | Document description |
AS002 | StreamLine Ecstasy The distribution of active and excipient species in illicit ecstasy tablets has been determined over the complete surface using the Renishaw StreamLine™ imaging technique. The distribution of components is revealed using univariate and multivariate image creation methods. |
AS003 | StreamLine ink character Whole character ink analysis can reveal previously unknown information such as doctored characters and pen contact on the paper using the Renishaw StreamLine™ fast imaging technique. This was not previously practical using Raman microscopy due to the required long exposure times and laser damage. StreamLine imaging can provide unique information based on chemical differences between the inks and paper. This is important in the analysis of questioned documents. |
AS004 | StreamLine crossed ink lines For the first time, using the Renishaw StreamLine™ imaging technique, the deposition order over the whole crossing region from two black ink strokes can be determined. This information is based on the chemical differentiation and high spatial resolution afforded by the Renishaw inVia Raman microscope. The order of deposition is valuable information for fraudulent disputes. |