Virsa Raman Analyser literature
Брошюра: Рамановский анализатор Virsa™ [ru]
Рамановский анализатор Virsa™ представляет собой переносную рамановскую систему с оптоволоконными датчиками, которая идеально подходит для выполнения микро- и макрорамановского анализа.
Application note: Analysis of polymer fibres using the Virsa™ Raman analyser
Application note detailing how the Virsa Raman analyser can be used to analyse polymer fibres.
Application note: Combining the Virsa™ Raman analyser with other analytical tools
Details of how the Virsa analyser can be combined with other analytical tools, with thermography measurements as an example.
Application note: Virsa Raman analyser for in vivo studies
The Virsa™ Raman analyser is ideal for developing clinical applications of Raman spectroscopy. It is available with a clinically-ready fibre-optic probe developed in partnership with EmVision, leaders in medical fibre probes.