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Technical papers
Technical articles about machine tool products, systems and probing techniques.
Technology related modules
White paper: TE411 - Innovations in touch trigger probe sensor technology
Technology paper examining the performance characteristics of two key touch-trigger probe technologies - kinematic resistive and strain gauge - and highlighting how development of these sensors continues to benefit manufacturers.
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White paper: TE412 - One-touch versus two-touch probing strategies
Technology paper comparing one-touch and two-touch probing strategies, with particular reference to scan time and measurement uncertainty.
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White paper: TE413 - Optimising measurement cycle time
The fundamental requirement of a machine tool probing cycle is achieving effective and reliable metrology in an acceptable time which can only be achieved when the factors that affect it are understood. This technology paper introduces these factors and their effects on cycle time.
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White paper: TE415 - Probe calibration
Upon first use and at regular intervals thereafter, it is necessary to establish the characteristics of a probe installation. This technology paper provides an overview of the sequence and importance of correctly calibrating a workpiece inspection probe.
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White paper: TE421 - Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) radio transmission
Technology paper introducing Renishaw’s frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) radio transmission technology for workpiece inspection probes.
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White paper: TE427 - Renishaw modulated optical probe transmission technology
Renishaw’s modulated transmission technology is an optical transmission method first introduced in modules TE420, Probe transmission technology and TE422, Optical transmission technology. It replaces Renishaw’s original transmission protocol, which is now referred to as ‘Legacy’ transmission or ‘Legacy mode’.
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White paper: TE500 - Tool setting and broken tool detection
Technology paper summarising the benefits of tool setting and broken tool detection operations, introducing available tool setting technologies and outlining the considerations to be made when selecting the most appropriate tool setting product for an individual application.
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White paper: TE511 - Renishaw's non-contact laser tool setting technology
Technology paper outlining Renishaw innovations in non-contact laser tool setting technology which has led to the introduction of a new generation of highly reliable, accurate and flexible tool measurement systems.
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White paper: TE512 - Unique 'tool recognition system' detects broken tools with ease
Technology paper introducing the laser based TRS2, a unique tool recognition system capable of fast and reliable broken tool detection.
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White paper: TE520 - Renishaw's tool setting products
This document provides a snapshot of Renishaw's tool setting products, with hyperlinks to their respective data sheets where further information can be found.