Prosta delovna mesta
Naši ljudje in izdelki resnično izboljšujejo svet, v katerem živimo.
Od izdelave letalskih motorjev in vetrnih turbin do zobne tehnike in možganske kirurgije: pri nas rešujemo zahtevne tehnične in znanstvene probleme.
Pustite svoj pečat
Renishaw Tehnični Inženiring d.o.o., del visokotehnološkega mednarodnega podjetja Renishaw plc iz Združenega kraljestva, išče nove sodelavce/ke na delovnih mestih:
Electronic Design VHDL / Verilog Engineer
Renishaw d.o.o. wants to recruit VHDL / Verilog Engineers to support the HDL development process and environment and to develop projects requiring HDL targeting ASIC and FPGA devices. Projects can include a variety of technology including microprocessors, encoders, machine controllers, sensor interfaces, robotics, and digital signal processing (DSP). The role will initially be to support the main HDL development environment within Renishaw, this will be to review and enhance the current development process. You will be required to work with the local ASIC design team and Renishaw group product teams to develop and support new and existing products. There will be a need to interact with other engineers, graduates and apprentices within Slovenia and teams based at India and the UK headquarters.
As an HDL engineer with Renishaw there will be an opportunity to learn and develop the HDL process and training courses for delivery across other teams, including reviewing design tools and methodologies. The use of EDA tools and knowledge of an electronic design process including VHDL / Verilog development is beneficial, specific training will be given for the design tools used within Renishaw.
The applicant will have an enquiring mind and be open to discussing new developments, provide support to other staff and be enthusiastic and knowledgeable in developing new products for this exciting area.
Within Renishaw there will be opportunities to be involved in research and development projects which may include tool and device evaluation, for both the Slovenian, Indian and UK teams. Opportunities exist for an individual to excel at developing the HDL tools and processes, providing support where appropriate across the business.
Essential skills:
- Beginner, intermediate or advanced level HDL / Verilog knowledge including testbench development and advanced verification.
- Knowledge of advanced digital design, DSP, high speed communication protocols
- Familiarity with FPGA and MCU architecture
- Design for test and manufacturing
- Fundamentals of analogue electronics and mixed signal design
- Knowledge of scripting languages (Python, Matlab, tcl)
- English proficiency
Bonus skills:
- Cadence tools
- RISC-V knowledge
- Active-HDL
- Zuken, Altium
- Embedded software and deployment in systems
- Design for test and manufacturing
The role will be based in Ljubljana, Slovenia although occasional travel to Renishaw UK sites may be necessary.
Pri Renishawu negujemo kulturo raznolikosti, da lahko privabimo najboljše ljudi, ustvarjamo najboljša okolja in se prilagodimo različnim kupcem. Zagotavljamo enakovredno obravnavo vseh kvalificiranih iskalcev zaposlitve ne glede na njihovo raso, barvo kože, vero, spol, spolno identiteto, spolno usmerjenost, izkušnje, poreklo, starost, poglede in sposobnosti. Renishaw je delodajalec, ki upošteva načelo enakih možnosti in je zavezan k zagotavljanju primernih prilagoditev za kandidate invalide.