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PH1 is a small shank mounted manual probe head with movement in the A and B axes, with limited overtravel protection.

The PH1 is a general purpose, swivel-type probe head. Its compact design makes it ideally suited to a CMM where manual orientation of a Renishaw M8 touch-trigger probe is required.
Weight | 125 g |
Probe mounting | M8 thread |
Head mounting | MS range of shanks |
Suitable interface | |
Probe status indication | 1 LED |
Cable connection | 5-pin DIN 180º socket |
A-axis indexing | Swivel of 115° locked with hexagonal key (3 mm A/F) |
B-axis indexing | 15° steps through 360° |
Extended warranty
For peace of mind a 3-year warranty is available for your new CMM products during the first 3 months from purchase. Contact your vendor.