Scale inputs

Provides RS422 compatible scale inputs for each of the machine axis through the 15 W HDD connectors.

NOTE: If the machine scale is of a different format (e.g. analogue, single ended) then this will require an external adapter. 


15 pin HDD socket


Pin numberFunction
1External N/C
20 V supply
3- Error
4- Reference mark
5- B signal
6- A signal
7+ 5.25 V supply
10+ Error / limit switch Q
11Limit switch P
12+ Reference mark
13+ B signal
14+ A signal
15Inner screen

Scale supply voltage is 5.25 V at 350 mA from each readhead connector. Scale quadrature signals with ideal waveforms and phase displacement with an edge rate of up to 40 MHz.

Scale input signals to be to EIA specification RS-422:


Scale input


UCCFusion input circuits for CMM readhead – scale and reference mark inputs

UCCFusion error interface circuit

Supports the error signal as integrated to the Renishaw range of RGH24 readheads. If the error signal is not integrated into the connected readhead then it is necessary to configure the connection as indicated below.

  • -error (pin 3) link to 5.25 V (pin 7)

