PHC10-2 legacy head controller
PHC10-2 head controller receives instructions from the CMM control

The PHC10-2 controls all head functions and reports system status to the CMM:
- Drives PH10 (PH10T, PH10M or PH10MQ) to position - sent either from the HCU1 or CMM
- Checks and reports position
- Flags up errors, e.g. failure to reach position, obstruction before or after locking etc.
The PHC10-2 does not process any of the probe sensor signals. These are railed clean through the heads axes and controller to the probe interface.
Length | 220 mm |
Width | 289.3 mm |
Height | 88 mm |
Weight | 2.86 kg |
Data transmission | RS232 or IEEE |
Current consumption (at 240 V) | Less than 500 mA |
Voltage range | 85 V to 264 V 47 Hz to 66 Hz automatic selection |
Input connectors | 15-way 'D' |
Probe output connectors | 7-pin DIN or 9-way 'D' type |
Mounting | Rack mounted or stand alone |
Hand control unit | HCU1 only |