Electronic case studies
Consumer products and electronics continue to change at a rapid pace, with ever shorter life cycles driven as much by fashion as functional requirements. Advances in technology, including more sophisticated hardware and sleeker physical design, call for rapid improvements in manufacturing capabilities.
Consumer electronics
Challenge: Robust FPD inspection and repair procedures are needed to reduce human error.
Find out moreChallenge: Support accuracy and high precision camera positioning for virtual reality technology.
Find out moreMotion control and automation
For the 37th America's Cup, INEOS Britannia sought a compact Renishaw-designed twist grip for their racing boat's helm and flight controls that also met their sustainability goals. Dr Finlay Evans and his team delivered in the challenge to develop and manufacture the new rotary sensor with built-in magnetic encoders.
Find out moreLasing Microsystem S.A. establish relationship with Renishaw as a solution provider for high accuracy and position checking applications.
Find out moreChallenge: To design a self-balancing two-wheeled robotic vehicle with integrated tilt-angle sensing, control logic and motor drive circuitry.
Find out moreChallenge: TQ-RoboDrive required a custom precision encoder solution to meet the demands of a new class of miniature motors.
Find out moreChallenge: High frequency (switching) electrical products require high performance PCB impedance measurement machines to verify that design targets are being met.
Find out moreChallenge: Overcome the challenge of achieving biped humanoid balance while meeting design constraints such as space, accuracy and speed.
Find out moreChallenge: To further enhance the performance, stability and system safety of UR robots.
Find out moreChallenge: Support of hexapods designed for the advanced component validation testing in the manufacture of weather satellites.
Find out moreChallenge: Design, build and program a robotic ‘mouse' that finds its own way to the centre of a 16 x 16 maze in the shortest possible time.
Find out morePrecision components
Challenge: Improve the accuracy of multi-core optical connector inspection machine.
Find out moreChallenge: High accuracy magnetic ring encoder suitable for deep water application.
Find out moreChallenge: Rotary table with enhanced accuracy and rotational speed for a CNC machine used to produce consumer goods.
Find out morePrinting
Challenge: To increase the speed and stability of the linear motor in Flora Digital inkjet printers.
Find out moreChallenge: Scodix needed a high-quality encoder solution for feedback control of a patented printing substrate transportation system.
Find out moreSilicon wafer and semiconductor
Challenge: Modern semiconductor packaging and assembly technologies demand high position accuracy and stability, compact size and weight, and high throughput with safe, reliable operation.
Find out moreChallenge: To improve motion control performance in vacuum environments that minimise the impact of airborne comtaminants.
Find out moreChallenge: Complete factory automation solutions for wafer assembly and packaging equipment.
Find out moreChallenge: "Super tune" machines to better-than-factory accuracy and get longer life out of machine components.
Find out moreChallenge: Reduce noise-induced positional errors would significantly improve tool performance.
Find out moreMore application examples
Case brief: High-volume manufacturing - increasing the yield of precision machined components
Case brief: High-volume manufacturing - increasing the yield of precision machined components
Generic case brief highlighting the production and process challenges faced by high volume manufacturing companies, how Renishaw systems helped overcome these challenges and the benefits of installing Renishaw systems.
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