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UCC T5 troubleshooting

UCC T5 visual diagnostics

A visual indication of the system status is provided by a multicoloured LED on the front panel. The LED provides assistance in diagnosing system faults.

UCC T5 front panel



PHC20 visual diagnostics - no LED


No power to unit.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - continuous blue

Continuous blue

Unit has overheated.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - continuous red

Continuous red

Issue with comms link. Reboot unit and configure IP.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - Continuous green

Continuous green

Normal operation.

UCC controller LEDs - Slow green flash

Slow green flash

Unit waiting for download.

UCC controller LEDs - Slow blue flash

Slow blue flash

Contact your nearest Renishaw support office.

UCC controller LEDs - Slow alternating red and blue flash

Slow red and blue flash

Check that the file being downloaded is appropriate for the controller.

UCC controller LEDs - Slow alternating blue and green flash

Slow blue and green flash

An excess of 48 V is being supplied. Use correct power supply and reboot.

UCC controller LEDs - Slow alternating green and red flash

Slow green and red flashes

Scale issue, reboot unit.

UCC controller LEDs - fast blue flash

Fast blue flash

Contact your nearest Renshaw support office.

UCC controller LEDs - fast red flash

Fast red flash

IP configuration mode.

UCC controller LEDs - fast green flash

Fast green flash

Comms lost to PC. Resync unit.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - One grouped red flash

One grouped red flash

Contact you nearest Renishaw support office.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - One grouped blue flash

One grouped blue flash

Power supply has begun supplying excess power. Replace power supply and reboot.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - Two grouped red flash

Two grouped red flash

Reboot the unit.

PHC20 visual diagnostics - Two grouped blue flash

Two grouped blue flash

An overcurrent has been detected on the head power supply. This might be caused by a suspect cable between the controller and the head. A reboot is required.

Visual diagnostics - Three grouped red flash

Three grouped red flashes

Contact you nearest Renishaw support office.

Fatal faults

Situations can occur that make it inadvisable or dangerous to continue using the CMM servo system. These are known in this document and UCCassist-2 as fatal faults. A list of fatal faults are shown below and will be indicated through the user's software (for example UCCserver):

  • A report of the emergency stop switch being active
  • Air pressure is too low
  • Crash switch operated, if fitted
  • A scale reading failure
  • An indicated overspeed (calculated from the rate of change of position)
  • Outer limit switch active

NOTE: Other faults not classed as fatal can prevent the CMM's operation.

Motors will not engage / re-engage


Either the servo drives will not engage when the controller has been sent the ‘engage' command, or the drives have disengaged automatically and will not re-engage.

Possible causes (or reported causes)

After the unit is switched on and before the system is allowed to engage, it must be configured for motion (i.e. the machine, servo and move parameters must be sent to the controller).

Any of the 'fatal faults' will prevent the system from engaging. In addition, the following will disengage the servo motors;

  • A reported failure from a servo power amplifier (amplifier feedback signal)
  • The absence of the feedback signal from the motor contactor
  • The following list can also inhibit drive engagement or re-engagement
  • The probe being deflected
  • Any outer limit switch being operated or a soft limit exceeded

Tests / cures

UCCassist-2 can be used for further help with this by displaying the system status, the status bytes and signals.

The amplifier and motor contactor feedback signals can also be examined using the ‘input signals' window in UCCassist-2.

NOTE: A scale error will cause the UCC T5 to enter an error state which is not recoverable within a metrology application environment. If a scale error occurs it will be necessary to reinitialise the installation due to the possibility of lost scale counts and metrology being affected.