探索量測系統的真正能力、瞭解系統如何改善您的製程,以及其他人如何實作 Renishaw 解決方案。
Renishaw 測頭量測解決方案範圍 - 檢測測頭、刀具設定測頭和軟體 - 提供比工件設定解決方案更多的內容。具備執行下列應用的能力:
- 零件識別
- 智慧型程式選擇
- 判斷工件是否存在
- 刀具識別
- 機器能力
- 加工餘隙檢查
- 切割路徑最佳化
- 適應性加工
- 銑刀切刃參數更新
- 動態式追加工
- 溫升變位補償
- 刀具狀況監控
- 製程報告
航太、汽車、電子、醫療製藥、模具製作、研發、重工業等產業領域的數百位客戶,將 Renishaw 測頭量測解決方案套用至製造循環後,都獲得一定程度的效益。
有關從實作 Renishaw 測頭量測技術獲益的公司資訊,請參閱工具機自動化文章。
袖珍指南: 解決方案 - 提升工件品質和精確度,提高 CNC 加工中心的效率
CNC 工具機測頭袖珍指南
Technical specifications: Probing systems for CNC machine tools [en]
The type of probing system that you need will depend on your machine tool and the nature of the probing application. This document focuses on the main applications for probing on machine tools. It contains an introduction to the use of probing for each application, plus guidance on the selection of the most appropriate system and technical information about each probe.
White paper: Survival of the fittest - the process control imperative [en]
In tough times, manufacturers focus on reducing their operating costs, but may not be able to afford to spend their way out by buying more productive machinery. With that pathway closed, what are the opportunities for radically reducing costs without replacing existing machines? This paper explores four areas where substantial savings can be found if firms are prepared to change the way they control their machining processes.