適合 CNC 工具機的客製化解決方案
Renishaw 擁有一支資深的「特別」設計小組來設計客製化解決方案。
如有特殊或特定應用,請聯絡當地 Renishaw 辦事處,因標準產品經常會有所修改,以提供客製化解決方案。
- 以 Renishaw 全球產品應用知識和經驗為基礎的設計和製造解決方案。
- 可輕易將 Renishaw 測頭量測產品整合至機器。
- 以最佳方式將標準和客製化產品套用至客戶的機器。
- 儘量採用標準工件,降低成本並縮短交付時間。
Technical specifications: Probing systems for CNC machine tools [en]
The type of probing system that you need will depend on your machine tool and the nature of the probing application. This document focuses on the main applications for probing on machine tools. It contains an introduction to the use of probing for each application, plus guidance on the selection of the most appropriate system and technical information about each probe.
Technical specifications: Styli and accessories (H-1000-3200) [en]
Technical specifications guide for Renishaw styli.