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Raman software: expansion
The core WiRE™ software package includes all the features most users need. You can add optional modules which provide extra capabilities or, if necessary, Renishaw can work with you to develop a custom solution.
Additional modules
Customise WiRE by adding modules which contain specialist features:
- micro plate mapping - for pharmaceutical and biological research
- Custom Analysis Package (CAP) module - for process monitoring, QA and QC
- Raman particle analysis - flexible approach to locating, analysing and automating measurements on multiple particles
- batch converter - convert data between file formats
- temperature cell controller - advanced and interruptible control of temperature ramps for temperature cells
- Multi-file builder - for combining similar individual spectra into one combined file for easy subsequent analysis
Custom software for your experiment
We pride ourselves on our ability to provide you with bespoke solutions, if required. We can do this because our Raman systems are flexible and fully automated. WiRE software plays a key role in supplying a complete solution. It ensures custom hardware changes are fully integrated and easy to use.