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Legacy products
5-axis technology
3-axis technology
Touch-trigger probes
Probe interfaces
Machine controllers and amplifiers
Installation guide: UCC1 (H-1000-5056) - legacy
Installation guide: UCClite-2 and UCClite (H-1000-5109) - legacy
Installation guide: UCC2
Installation guide: UCC T3 (H-1000-7578) - legacy
User guide: HCU1 motorised probe head - hand control unit
Installation guide: SPAlite (H-1000-5107) - legacy
Installation guide: SPA1 (H-1000-5068) - legacy
Installation guide: SPA1 servo tuning (H-1000-5227) - legacy
Installation guide: SPA2 (H-1000-5234) - legacy
Installation guide: SPA3 (H-1000-7566) - legacy
Installation guide: PHC10-3
Racks and ports
For information regarding current products please refer to the 'Installation and user's guide downloads' page.