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RA802 Pharmaceutical analyser

A rapid Raman imaging system designed to help scientists tackle formulation challenges and expedite drug development.

The RA802 Pharmaceutical analyser is a dedicated high-speed Raman system designed for pharmaceutical analysis. It can generate comprehensive chemical images of sample surfaces in as little as 5 minutes using Renishaw's unique LiveTrack™ and StreamLine™ technologies.

It can be used to better understand pharmaceutical formulations to speed up drug development or perform root cause analysis.


The RA802 Pharmaceutical analyser enables you to generate chemical images up to 150 times faster than conventional methods, whilst maintaining focus – ensuring pharmaceutical tablet images are of high quality.

Chemical components can be highlighted by colour on Raman images and characterised using particle statistics. This gives users a tool to understand how each component is distributed throughout the sample and rationalise real-world performance between different batches and formulations.

RA802 Pharmaceutical analyser brochure

RA802 Raman image tablet

Focus and resolution

LiveTrack focus tracking technology automatically maintains sample focus, ensuring you acquire the highest quality chemical images across the whole sample. Spatial resolution can be as high as 1 µm per pixel – allowing scientists to understand the local inhomogeneity of their sample.

RA802 Raman image of tablet

Speed of analysis

StreamLine rapid imaging technology increases the imaging speed to 1,500 spectra per second which makes analysis faster than ever and prevents sample damage. A whole tablet can be mapped in as little as 5 minutes at low-resolution, or just 2 hours at the highest resolution.

RA802 batch mapping tablet

Batch measurement

Batch measurement automation enables the user to save time by programming multiple samples to run sequentially. Renishaw can provide bespoke tablet holders specific to the users' samples. These hold the samples securely in place whilst the system analyses each sample in turn.


RA802 Tablet coatings

Identifying counterfeit medicines

Raman mapping can generate high-resolution (1 µm2 per pixel) chemical images of complex blends of materials, such as tablets. These images enable you to study differences not only in chemical components but also the formulation's microstructure – an important way of identifying counterfeits.

Download the white paper

RA802 Particle statistics pharmaceuticals

Deformulating drugs

In this white paper we look at reverse engineering existing drug products using Raman imaging. We collected thousands of Raman spectra across the surface of a sample to determine the microstructure of a formulation. Each pixel contains all the chemical information for that sample point.

Download the white paper

Maintain focus in real
time with LiveTrack

RA802 analyser uses LiveTrack™ automated focus tracking technology to acquire, in real-time, accurate and repeatable spectra and topography from samples with extensive variations in height. Create stunning 3D images of uneven, curved or rough surfaces without the need for pre-scanning. Watch the video to see an example.

LiveTrack technology

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Laser wavelength

785 nm

Laser power: >150 mW at sample. Innovative StreamLine technology enables higher laser power use without sample damage

Spectral range100 cm-1 to 3250 cm-1
Spectral dispersion2 cm-1 pixel-1
Minimum image pixel size1 µm
Field of viewMacro ~21 mm × 16 mm (with zoom options)
Micro ~ 330 µm × 250 µm (with zoom options)
FocusingMacro – Manual or pre-defined
Micro – Automatic (LiveTrack) or manual
Data collection speedOver 1500 spectra/s
Maximum sample size ~ (110 mm × 90 mm × 25 mm) – fits 96 well plate
Power, voltage 100 – 240 VAC ± 10%, 50/60Hz, 100 W maximum
Dimensions 720 mm (W) × 502 mm (H) × 535 mm (D)
Mass (not including computer) 54 kg
Laser class Class 1 laser product complies with IEC60825-1. CE marked
SoftwareRenishaw WiRE software with CFR21 Part 11 functionality database, particle statistics and reporting function
Standards Inbuilt reference standards and automated performance qualification
QualificationFull IQ/OQ/PQ