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Case studies
Renishaw's laser and ballbar measurement, analysis and diagnostic solutions have been assisting thousands of users to improve their operations for over 30 years.
Whether you are an end user, machine OEM or maintenance contractor, we offer a range of calibration solutions for improved machine performance.
Find out how our customers are benefiting from using Renishaw calibration products.
Laser system applications
Renishaw laser interferometer system applications are extremely varied. Whilst laser systems are widely used for the comprehensive accuracy assessment of machine tools and co-ordinate measuring machines (CMMs) they also have found many other applications in research and in assessing other position critical motion systems; in fact anywhere where there is a need for the ultimate in high accuracy, repeatable and traceable measurement.
Renishaw's XK10 alignment laser system provides a perfect solution. It not only significantly enhances our efficiency; it also guarantees the accuracy. During the demonstration performed by Renishaw's engineer, we were impressed that the XK10's results are comparable to component measurements on our CMM. XK10 is designed with wireless connectivity which offers great flexibility in the setup and measurement from a single kit. Furthermore, it provides intuitive reports, allowing our customers to understand the performance of their new Hurco machine.
Hurco Manufacturing Ltd, Taiwan
More laser case studies
Case study: A laser alignment tool that goes beyond tradition
Casestudie: Met de XK10 assembleert TAKAM zijn bewerkingsmachines gegarandeerd nauwkeurig [nl]
Casestudie: Machinebouwer investeert in laser voor uitlijning en verbetert efficiëntie met 50% [nl]
Casestudie: Betere nauwkeurigheid zorgt ervoor dat Godrej kwaliteitsnormen opnieuw kan definiëren en kosten omlaag kan brengen [nl]
Case study: Critical oil and gas production components rely on metrology systems
Case study: Renishaw and Hartford combine to deliver intelligent, ‘smart factory’ solutions
Casestudie: Renishaw technologie helpt Breton bij kalibratie van eigen machines en kwaliteitscontrole van producten [nl]
Case study: Jingdiao's refusal to compromise on quality sees its business take off
Case study: Spinner - Machine tool supplier to Ford and Bosch, transforms machine accuracy without design changes
Case study: Inca Digital - Stunning large scale images achieved with speed and repeatability
Casestudie: (IN411) Verlener van kalibratiediensten maakt meer inkomsten door sneller en slimmer werken [nl]
Case study: The world’s No.1 semiconductor assembly & packaging equipment manufacturer benefits from Renishaw’s innovative products
Case study: Laser interferometry assures spherical lens quality
Case study: VAD Instrument chooses Renishaw’s UHV optical encoders for motion platforms
Ballbar applications
Renishaw's QC20 ballbar is a tool which can give you the information you need to control your machining operations effectively, whether your responsibility is in production, maintenance, engineering, shop planning or quality.
It's no surprise that with so many diverse customers and potential benefits, the stories of ballbar success are so varied.
Nemcomed (USA)
More ballbar case studies
Case study: Spirax Sarco UK - New life for worn machines
Case study: Critical oil and gas production components rely on metrology systems
Casestudie: Betere nauwkeurigheid zorgt ervoor dat Godrej kwaliteitsnormen opnieuw kan definiëren en kosten omlaag kan brengen [nl]
Case study: Jingdiao's refusal to compromise on quality sees its business take off
Case study: Sandvik Medical Solutions - QC20-W ballbar gives Sandvik confidence at every level
Case study: NC Service - Wireless QC20-W ballbar loses cable and gains support
Case study: Mori Seiki - Renishaw ballbar gives highest standard of customer service
Case study: Wigmore CNC - "If you are serious about CNC machine tool maintenance then using a QC20-W ballbar is the only option"
Case study: Aquasub Engineering - Pump manufacturer extends the life of their machine tools and reduces downtime by 10%
Case study: The world’s No.1 semiconductor assembly & packaging equipment manufacturer benefits from Renishaw’s innovative products
Case study: KMTC promotes the quality standards of Chinese 5-axis CNC machine tools
Casestudie: Meetoplossingen maken testtijd voor bewerkingsmachines tot wel 6,5 uur korter [nl]
Case study: In-house metrology increases machine tool uptime by 20%
Case study: Renishaw and Hartford combine to deliver intelligent, ‘smart factory’ solutions
Casestudie: Renishaw technologie helpt Breton bij kalibratie van eigen machines en kwaliteitscontrole van producten [nl]
Casestudie: Meettasters op bewerkingsmachines voor precieze metingen bij de productie van gesmede wielen en autochassis [nl]
Case study: Spinner - Machine tool supplier to Ford and Bosch, transforms machine accuracy without design changes