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There is growing evidence to show that robotic systems can offer faster stereotacic neurosurgery, particularly for SEEG procedures that require multiple instrument trajectories. The implementation of these systems holds the promise of improving the efficiency of neurosurgery departments.

With refractory or drug-resistant epilepsy affecting between 7% - 20% of children with epilepsy worldwide, the race to find alternative treatment options is gaining momentum. Surgical resection may offer new hope, but efficacious resection is heavily dependent on the accurate identification of the epileptic foci. Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG), a technique that relies on the precise implantation of intracerebral electrodes, has shown considerable success not only in the identification of epileptogenic zones, but also as a treatment for refractory seizures.

Read our interview with Mr Martin Tisdall, consultant paediatric neurosurgeon to find out how Renishaw is helping to revolutionise stereotactic neurosurgery.

Aaron is a well-respected member of the team at Renishaw Neuro Solutions, having joined in July 2015 as part of a sponsored summer internship.During his time at Renishaw, Aaron has continued building on his engineering expertise, progressing from Technical Engineering Apprentice to his current role as Service and Support Manager, UK.
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