Summer Placements
Placements offer an opportunity to experience the real-world working environment, and are an opportunity to develop professional skills to enhance your personal development.
A summer placement at Renishaw enables you to gain an insight into what it is like to work for a world-leading precision technology business.
We offer summer placements in a wide-range of disciplines, giving students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a specific career pathway. Summer placements have a duration of 6-12 weeks during the summer holidays and are suitable for students studying at sixth-form, college or at degree level. Through a summer placement you can:
- Add invaluable work experience to your CV which is attractive to graduate employers
- Gain experience of working with a diverse group of people in a FTSE250 business
- Be able to apply elements of academic learning in the work place
- Develop skills in areas such as time management, business communication, project work and teamwork
- Gain experience of applying for jobs and interview practice
Summer Placement recruitment
Applications for our 2025 intake are now closed.
Contact us?
If you have a query regarding our summer placement schemes, please contact our team on:
Follow our Early Careers instagram page for regular updates @RenishawEarlyCareers