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Q&A - Market participant (general)

Where can I get a copy of the latest financial results announced by Renishaw?

You can download the latest Annual Report and Financial Statements from the Financial Reports section of our Investor Relations pages.

When does Renishaw report its financial results?

Renishaw announces its preliminary results in September (for the year ended 30 June) and in February (for the half-year results to 31 December) with 2 other quarterly announcements in May and October.

In which countries does Renishaw operate?

Detailed information on the specific operations can be found in Worldwide offices.

How many employees does Renishaw have?

More than 5000 in 36 countries where it has 67 key locations as at 30 July 2024.

Is Renishaw's Annual Report online?

The Annual Report is available to view from the Financial Reports section.

Where can I find the latest presentation by Renishaw?

Go to the Financial Presentations section of the Investor Relations site for presentations given by Renishaw plc.

How can I keep up-to-date with Renishaw News?

Sign-up to our Free Newsletter to keep up with the latest in Renishaw news. We shall be holding our next Capital Markets Day in 2025 at which presentations on Group strategy and operating segments will be given by members of the Board and senior management, as well as tours covering the Group's activities. Further details to be provided nearer the time.

Analysts following Renishaw plc?

The analysts listed below publish commentaries on Renishaw plc. While we aim to keep this list up to date, the analysts covering Renishaw do change. We cannot guarantee that this list is accurate or comprehensive. Publication of this list does not mean that Renishaw endorses or agrees with these analysts' commentaries. We do not comment on analyst reports nor accept any responsibility for their analysis or forecasts.

Deutsche Numis Richard Paige
InvestecLydia Kenny
BarclaysJonathan Hurn
JefferiesDavid Farrell
StifelMark Davies Jones
UBS (joint broker)
Andre Kukhnin
HSBCStephan Klepp
Peel Hunt (joint broker)Harry Philips / Lauren Baker Iguaz

On what stock exchange are Renishaw shares traded?

Ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

What is the ticker symbol for Renishaw?

The stock symbol is RSW.

What is Renishaw's official accounting currency?

Renishaw reports all its financial statements in sterling (GBP, £).