Machine diagnostics and preventative maintenance

With the help of Renishaw ballbar diagnostics, a dominant CNC machine tool has been brought back to life, and BAE Systems has benefitted from significant improvements in workshop productivity and QA compliance.
BAE Systems (UK)
QC20-W ballbar system
Ballbar testing provides a simple, rapid check of a CNC machine tool's positioning performance to recognised international standards allowing users to benchmark and track the performance of their machines and to quickly diagnose problems that may require maintenance and the error sources that produce them.
Health check with 3D scanning
The health check with 3D scanning application provides machine tool performance verification in less than one minute, preventing scrap caused by poor machine condition. The test can be integrated into a CNC machining cycle, providing confidence in machine health just before machining.
AxiSet™ Check-Up
Fast, automated health checks for multi‑axis machine tools. AxiSet Check-Up offers an easy and reliable process for analysing the performance of rotary axes and for identifying problems caused by incorrect machine set-up, collisions or wear.