Product range
SP600M analogue measurement probe
SP600M is an auto-jointed, multiwired analogue scanning probe suitable for mounting on certain motorised and fixed Renishaw probe heads. The probe body contains the extremely robust parallel operating sensor mechanism. It enables a CMM to gather large amounts of data very rapidly for inspection or digitising purposes. The probe offers 3 axis movement of ±1 mm in each direction (X, Y, Z), irrespective of probe orientation. It can carry stylus lengths up to 300 mm and may be re-orientated using a Renishaw PH10M PLUS / PH10MQ PLUS motorised head. The IS1-2 interface selector allows the SP600 to be interchanged with other Renishaw multiwire probe systems and automatically selects the correct interfacing, enabling analogue measurement to be fully integrated into a conventional automatic probing system. Touch-trigger (non-multiwired) probes can be used with a splitter cable. See 'SP600 in multiple Renishaw probe type installations' for further information.
SP600Q analogue measurement probe
SP600Q is a quill mounted version of the SP600M analogue scanning probe. It can therefore be connected directly to the quill of a CMM and an internal cable carries the probe signal to the interface card. This probe offers exactly the same benefits and operation as the SP600M, with identical integration issues.
SP600 analogue measurement probe
SP600 is a shank mounted version of the SP600M analogue scanning probe. It can therefore be connected directly to the quill of a CMM and an external cable carries the probe signal to the interface card. This probe offers exactly the same benefits and operation as the SP600M, with identical integration issues.
SP600 with overtravel unit
The SP600 overtravel unit is a protection device that can be fitted between a SP600 probe and its mounting shank. The overtravel unit contains a switch to indicate when the probe body has suffered a collision and the signal is supported by both the AC1 and AC2 interface cards. It is intended for use when the SP600 probe is used in a machine tool for scanning applications. For CMM usage the size of the overtravel unit make it unsuitable and the low forces applied by a CMM make it unnecessary.
SH600 stylus holder
The SP600 / M / Q comprises the main body and a detachable stylus holder. The stylus holder is kinematically located onto the probe body to provide repeatable positioning of the stylus, and removes the requirement to re-qualify each stylus arrangement between holder changes. There are two variants of stylus holders in the range, SH600-STD and SH600-EXT. Both of these designs offer the ability to manually or automatically change the stylus on the SP600 probe allowing for stylus optimisation.
Effective crash protection is achieved by either the stylus holder becoming detached during a collision, or by setting a higher stylus deflection to alert the CMM of an unexpected collision. In this event, the robustness of the probe means that a simple re-qualification of the probe and stylus arrangement will enable work to continue.
SH600 - STD
This product is fitted to all SP600 and SP600M probes and is compatible with the SP600Q probe. The SH600-STD offers the following capabilities
- M4 stylus compatibility
- M3, M2 stylus compatibility using appropriate adaptors
- Up to 200 mm stylus length can be accommodated.
SH600 - EXT
This product is fitted to all SP600Q probes and is compatible with SP600 and SP600M probes (manufactured after May 2002). The SH600-EXT offers the following capabilities
- M4 stylus compatibility
- M3, M2 stylus compatibility using appropriate adaptors
- Up to 300 mm stylus length capability
SCR600 stylus changing rack
The SCR600 is a stylus changing rack for use with the SP600 / M / Q. It does not require any electrical connection for operation. A mechanism in the base provides overtravel protection in the probe entry direction. The rack can house up to four stylus modules and any number of racks can be used in a system.
SCP600 stylus changing port
The SCP600 is a single stylus changing port, which is a component of a flexible modular stylus changing system. Several ports can be fitted onto a Renishaw modular rack system (MRS / MRS2) at user defined spacing, depending on requirements. SCP600s are particularly suited to the SP600Q probe, where for example star stylus clusters are unable to fit into an SCR600 stylus changing rack.
AC1 analogue counter PC card
The Renishaw AC1 PC interface card is simple to install and connects directly to a standard Renishaw multiwire probe signal cable.
- Performs probe management functions
- Communicates status information to the host PC
- Converts each of the three analogue probe outputs (one per axis representing stylus deflection) into 2's complement binary numbers accessible to the PC
- 12-bit resolution giving 1 μm resolution
The AC1 contains a number of registers that are accessible to software using I/O commands.
AC2 analogue counter PC card
The Renishaw AC2 PC interface has all the functions of the AC1, but in addition has:
- 16-bit resolution giving resolution better than 0.1 μm
- Optically isolated PICS interface
- Reading synchronisation using the PICS interface or software commands
- Probe power removal using PICS
- Full ISA bus address decoding
- Optional 16-bit data transfers via the addition ISA 36-way connector
- Interrupts generated on receipt of PICS or software ACQUIRE command
- ΔT controller compatibility is achieved by the use of option switches
The AC2 contains a number of registers that are accessible to software using I/O commands.