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MIH troubleshooting

Poor repeatability (probe changing)

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

Loose mounting

Ensure shank mounting screws are thight and shank is securely mounted in machine quill.

Dirty or damaged autojoint

Inspect autojoint probe connection contacts for damage and contamination.

Clean with a stiff brush if necessary.

Autojoint lock-procedure incorrect

Ensure probe setup is locked onto the head correctly using the autojoint key.

Probe extension too long

Ensure maximum extenstion bar (300 mm) is not exceeded and the extensions longer than 150 mm are supported on lock up.

Poor repeatability (head positioning)

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

Loose mounting

Ensure shank mounting screws are tight and shank is securely mounted in machine quill.

Head lock-up procedure incorrect with long extensions

Ensure maximum extenstion bar (300 mm) is not exceeded and the extensions longer than 150 mm are supported on lock up.

Incorrect LCD function

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

Battery power low

If low battery indicator is shown, replace battery. If not, head may be faulty (see note below).

No LCD function

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

No battery present or battery inserted incorrectly

Ensure battery is present and inserted correctly.

Unexpected software modes entered

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

Buttons not pressed simultaneously

Ensure simultaneous operation when appropriate (e.g. to enter 'Sequence mode', if buttons are not pressed simultaneously, 'Memory mode' is entered).

Time-out exceeded

On timeout (no button presses or head momevemnt for a preiod of time) the LCD will revert to 'Simple mode' if locked or to a power down state if unlocked

No probe signal and / or no probe status LED

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

Cabling faulty / not connected

Check continuity of cabling from head to interface machine control.

Probe / extension bars faulty

Check probe / extensions are working correctly by exchange / elimination / continuity check - if faulty return to Renishaw service centre for repair.

Probe interface faulty / not connected

Ensure correct connection of interface / machine control.

When inserting battery, self test mode is entered

Possible causes

Checks / remedial action

Button pressed during battery insertion

Re-insert battery ensuring buttons are not pressed OR press both buttons simultaneously three times to enter 'Datum mode'.

NOTE: The MIH contains no user serviceable parts and should be returned to Renishaw if suspected faulty.

Checks / remidial action:

  • Ensure shank mounting screws are tight and shank is securely mounted in machine machine quill
  • Inspect autojoint probe connection contacts for damage and contamination. Clean with a stiff brush if necessary.
  • Ensure probe set-up is locked onto probe head correctly using the autojoint key.
  • Ensure maximum extension bar of 300 mm (11.81 in) is not exceeded and extensions longer than 150 mm (5.91 in) are supported on lock-up.
  • If low battery indicator is shown, replace battery. If not, head may be faulty (see note above).
  • Ensure battery is present and is inserted correctly (refer to 'Installation' for correct procedure).
  • Ensure simultaneous operation when appropriate (e.g. to enter sequence mode, if buttons are not pressed simultaneously, memory mode is entered).
  • On time-out (no button presses or head movement for a period of time) the LCD will revert to simple mode if locked, or power down if unlocked.
  • Check continuity of cabling from head to interface / machine control (refer to installation section for pin connections).
  • Check probe / extensions are working correctly by exchange / elimination / continuity check - if faulty return to Renishaw service centre for repair.
  • Ensure correct connection of interface / machine control.
  • Re-insert battery ensuring buttons are not pressed or press both buttons simultaneously three times to enter datum mode.