
The UCC dynamic mapping tool (DMT) enables laser error mapping to be run dynamically on a CMM.

Adjustment modules for use with the PH6M and MIH manual probe heads, and the PH10 PLUS family of motorised heads.

Regular requalification of your probe using Renishaw's universal datum sphere enhances the performance of your manual or fully automated CMM.

Shanks are used to mount the probe head to the quill of the machine.There are a range of shanks suitable for all Renishaw manual and motorised probe heads.

Extension bars, with M8 thread or autojoint, to provide increased reach with minimal loss of accuracy.

A gauge to adjust, reset and check probe trigger force settings on TP1, TP2 and TP6 touch-trigger probes.

Two kinematic mounts for PHS1 servo head allow quick fixing of the head to the machine and fast changeover to other heads (e.g. PH10T PLUS or PH10M PLUS).

The head comms signal booster has been designed for installations of PH20 where cable runs of greater than 25 m are required.

The Y-cable adaptor kit was introduced to enable the use of a single high speed communications cable with REVO.