Speak Up
Renishaw's whistleblowing service
Who can Speak Up?
The service is available to all staff and ex-staff throughout the Renishaw Group, including full time, part time, contract and temporary employees, and interns. The service is also available to external stakeholders, including suppliers, distributors, agents, resellers and collaboration partners.
When to Speak Up?
You should Speak Up when you see or hear something that you feel may be in violation of Renishaw's Group Business Code, or which seems illegal or unethical. For examples of instances as to when you should Speak Up, please refer to the Speak Up Policy.
How to Speak Up?
You can make a report (anonymously if you wish) using a free-phone number or through the online form 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This service is provided by NAVEX Global, a world-class provider of ethics and compliance reporting services.
You can access this service anywhere by visiting https://renishaw.ethicspoint.com
For Renishaw staff who cannot or would prefer not to use the NAVEX Global service to report their concern, please refer to the Speak Up policy for details of alternative ways to make your report.