Renishaw Anti-Bribery Policy

Our global anti-bribery programme is designed to ensure all employees and those we do business with, comply with this approach. This Policy also addresses the risk of breaching anti-bribery and corruption legislation in force in any part of the world.

Renishaw has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. This applies without any exception. As well as being illegal, bribery is unethical and can cause serious damage to society.

Renishaw's Executive Committee has approved our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, which is overseen and supported by a Group champion at our head office in the UK and by local champions in the countries we operate in.

The Policy applies to everyone working at Renishaw including temporary personnel, contractors, placement students, intermediaries and third parties acting on behalf of any Renishaw Group company (under the Renishaw Group Control Manual). It also applies to all business and transactions in all countries where the Renishaw Group operates.

Governance and risk assessment

Risk assessment and due diligence

Our legal team has worked with senior management, both in the UK and other countries we operate in, to identify the higher risk areas and is working with management through a compliance programme to mitigate risk. Each region is required to put in place anti-bribery procedures that are appropriate to their operating environment.

Renishaw ensures that our due diligence processes for suppliers and customers are focussed on the three high risk areas:

  1. Where we do business
  2. How we do business
  3. Who we do business with

Employee training and communication

The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy has been issued to all employees (including new employees as part of their induction process) and a dedicated intranet page has been set up with key information. All employees will undertake online anti-bribery and corruption training. Employees have a duty to report any suspected breaches of the policy to either Renishaw's Group General Counsel, or via Speak Up, Renishaw's whistleblowing service.

Monitoring and review

We regularly monitor and review compliance with anti-bribery requirements through our internal control processes. We provide regular reports to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors and address any new or emerging risks.

The policy can be found in the document below.