Our people
Learn more about our Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Board of Directors
The Board comprises four executive directors (including the Executive Chairman), four independent non-executive directors and a non-executive director. There is a formal schedule of matters specifically reserved for its decision. These include the approval of annual and half-year results and trading statements, company and business acquisitions and disposals, major capital expenditure, borrowings, material agreements, director and company secretary appointments and removals, patent-related disputes and other material litigation, forecasts and major product development projects.

Sir David McMurtry
Executive Chairman
Appointed September 1975
Areas of experience
Strategy, product development, engineering, science/technology
Contribution, skills and experience
- Co-founder of Renishaw, provides strong leadership to the Board, and responsible for Group innovation, product strategy, and Group technology.
- Significant contribution to the long-term sustainable success of the Company and all aspects of the business.
- Strategic vision, and technical and industry knowledge
External appointments

John Deer
Non-Executive Deputy Chairman
Appointed July 1974
Areas of expertise
Manufacturing, strategy, international
Contribution, skills and experience
- Co-founder of Renishaw, contributes to Board leadership and strategic decisions for growing the business.
- Extensive manufacturing and quality experience contributes to the delivery of efficient, high-quality manufacturing.
- Strategic vision, and commercial and international experience.
External appointments

Will Lee
Chief Executive
Appointed August 2016 as Group Sales and Marketing Director, February 2018 as Chief Executive
Areas of expertise
Sales and marketing, strategy, engineering, operations
Contribution, skills and experience
- Effective and strong leadership and management, both technical and commercial, with an acute awareness of the industry and its opportunities and challenges.
- Maintains a wide breadth of knowledge, as well as strong stakeholder relationships that continue to develop the Renishaw business.
- Joined the Renishaw graduate scheme in 1996 and since then has held various senior management positions in engineering, operations, and sales and marketing, resulting in an in-depth understanding of the Group's business, products and markets.
External appointments

Allen Roberts
Group Finance Director
Appointed October 1980
Contribution, skills and experience
Finance, strategy, internal controls, operations, compliance
Contribution, skills and experience
- Chartered accountant, with an invaluable contribution to financial planning and strategy, including adept management of financial risks and business development.
- Deep understanding of the Group's businesses, products, relationships and the sectors in which we operate.
- Experienced in the management of financial risks, reporting and planning.
External appointments

Sir David Grant
Senior Independent Director
Appointed April 2012
Areas of expertise
Engineering, people, science/technology
Contribution, skills and experience
- Contributes to talent recruitment, increasing diversity and development of workforce.
- Extensive engineering experience and recognised for his contributions to industry.
- Various previous leadership positions at international engineering companies and government-related science and technology bodies.
External appointments

Catherine Glickman
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed August 2018
Areas of expertise
People, remuneration, pensions, strategy
Contribution, skills and experience
- Breadth of human resources experience in other listed companies and as a non-executive director is particularly valued by the Board.
- Skilled at developing reward structures that align leadership motivation with Group strategy.
- Extensive HR, remuneration and pensions experience, as well as previous international experience with Genus plc and Tesco PLC.
External appointments
Non-executive director and remuneration committee chair of TheWorks.co.uk plc

Juliette Stacey
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed January 2022
Areas of expertise
Finance, M&A, strategy, corporate governance, internal controls, compliance
Contribution, skills and experience
- Chartered accountant with an in-depth understanding of finance, M&A, and strategy.
- Career experience in finance, as well as executive roles in both listed and non-listed company environments.
- Roles as chair of audit committees at other listed companies brings a wider industry perspective.
External appointments
Senior independent director and audit committee chair of Fuller, Smith & Turner P.L.C.
Non-executive director and audit committee chair of Sanderson Design Group plc.

Stephen Wilson
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed June 2022
Areas of expertise
Software, finance, strategy, business development, IT transformation, international
Contribution, skills and experience
- Extensive experience in the software sector, including strategic, financial and business development and IT transformation.
- Career experience in finance and business development, including in global businesses.
- Executive and non-executive roles in listed company environments.
External appointments
Chief Executive of Genus plc

Jacqueline Conway
General Counsel & Company Secretary
Appointed November 2019
Areas of expertise
Corporate governance, risk and compliance
Contribution, skills and experience
- Responsible for providing legal and governance advice to the Board and senior management, as well as leading the legal function.
- Specialised in corporate governance, risk and compliance.
- Substantial experience of operating in a listed environment.
External appointments
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the executive management of our businesses. It is chaired by our Chief Executive and includes our Executive Directors and senior managers. The Executive Committee usually meets every month. It considers the performance and strategic direction of our operating segments, performance against objectives, and other matters of general importance to the Group.
Executive Committee members include Will Lee (Chair), Sir David McMurtry, Allen Roberts and Jacqueline Conway.

Gareth Hankins
Head of Group Manufacturing
Appointed February 2018
Contribution, skills and experience
- Responsible for manufacturing operations, procurement and facilities management across the Group.
- Skilled leader with acute insight into operations and manufacturing.
- Experience in engineering, production, and operations and business management, including previous role as operations manager for styli and custom products.

Leo Somerville
President, Americas
Appointed March 2004
Contribution, skills and experience
- Responsible for development of the Americas region.
- Strong leadership and business development skills, combined with in-depth market and product knowledge.
- Experience as project manager for machine tool probing in the UK, and as business manager for machine tool probing and calibration products at Renishaw Inc.

Dave Wallace
Director of Group Operations
Appointed January 2008
Contribution, skills and experience
- Responsible for Group Operations, with oversight of Group Commercial Development, Group Quality, Group Compliance, our centralised Group Engineering teams, Group Business Systems, and Group Commercial Services and Marketing.
- Deep insight into Renishaw's products, markets, and product development, as well as strong management skills.
- Has worked in various functions of the business, including as Director and General Manager for the CMM Products Division and previously held Executive Committee responsibility for the Industrial Metrology business.