Оптический приемник OMM используется вместе с интерфейсом MI 12.

Интерфейс MI 12 обрабатывает сигналы, передаваемые между одним или двумя оптическими передатчиками (OMM) и системой управления станка с ЧПУ.

Проспект с техническими данными

  • Data sheet:  OMM - optical module machine Data sheet: OMM - optical module machine [en]

    The OMM is an optical transmitter / receiver, which conveys signals between an inspection probe and MI 12 interface unit.

  • Data sheet:  MI 12 interface unit Data sheet: MI 12 interface unit [en]

    The MI 12 interface processes signals between one or two OMM's and the CNC machine control. (The MI 12 replaces the earlier MI 4 and MI 7 interface units).

  • Data sheet:  High power optical transmission system Data sheet: High power optical transmission system [en]

    The high power optical transmission system is based upon standard optical systems, enhancements allowing the system to transmit up to 12 m (39.3 ft) and benefiting from reflections to maintain contact with the receiver. It enables the use of the MP700E and MP10E in applications requiring large probe and receiver separation.

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