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Invited speakers

The most recent Inside Raman symposium featured presentations from prominent scientists. There were presentatations from the following guest speakers and members of Renishaw's applications team.

Inside Raman 2016 speakers

Prof. Steve Evans, University of Leeds
Professor Evans graduated in Physics from Queen Mary College London and obtained his Ph.D. on LB Superlattices of Porphyrins, with Richard Tredgold, at Lancaster University. He subsequently held undertook postdoctoral work at Imperial College London and was a visiting Scientist at Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY, USA. In 1991 he moved to the School of Physics and Astronomy, at the University of Leeds where he became Professor of Molecular and Nanoscale Physics in 2002. Since 2000 he has held posts as Deputy Director of the multidisciplinary Centre for Self-Organising Molecular Systems (SOMS), the Nano Manufacturing Institute and has been the head of the School of Physics & Astronomy. He currently heads the Molecular and Nanoscale Physics group, and is the Director of Research for the School of Physics, and the Research Director for the NIHR funded Healthcare Technologies Cooperative for Colorectal Cancer. His main research interests are in: i) the development of model lipid membranes systems; ii) Nanomaterials for theranostic applications; and most recently iii) development of single cell phenotyping systems.

Dr. Aoife Gowen, University College Dublin
Dr. Gowen is a senior lecturer in the UCD School of Biosystems Engineering. Her research area is multidisciplinary, involving applications of sensor technology and chemometrics to biological systems, with a particular focus on hyperspectral imaging techniques (NIR, IR and Raman). After completing her undergraduate degree in Theoretical Physics (2000), she moved to a new discipline - the highly applied research area of Food Science. Her PhD thesis, completed in 2006, concerned mathematical modelling of food quality parameters and optimization of food process operations. During her time as a post-doctoral researcher (2007-2013) she investigated the intersection of near infrared spectroscopy, chemical imaging and chemometrics for characterization of biological systems. Since 2007, she has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers in the field of hyperspectral imaging. These include new techniques to apply variable selection and optimize predictive model performance in hyperspectral image analysis.

Dr. Colin Campbell, University of Edinburgh
Dr. Campbell's research focuses on understanding the role that physical factors such as redox potential and pH play in biological systems. His group has developed a range of nanosensors that report on redox potential via surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). They have used them in a range of biological systems to investigate the role that redox potential plays in health and disease. They have recently developed methods for measuring gradients of redox potential and pH in 3D tissue models and are using these methods to investigate the response of tumour models to drugs.

Dr. Ceri Hammond, University of Cardiff
Dr. Hammond is a visiting Research Fellow at University College London/UK Catalysis Hub, as well as a University Research Fellow and Independent Research Group Leader at Cardiff Catalysis Institute. His research is situated at the interface of chemistry and chemical engineering, and focuses on the design and application of new heterogeneous catalysts for the production of energy and chemicals.

Prof. Bob Young, University of Manchester
The research interests of Professor Young are in all aspects of the relationships between structure and mechanical properties of polymers and composites, and he has published a number of books and more than 300 papers in the field. He is listed in HighlyCited and has an H-index of 50. He has a number of research programmes in collaboration with academics and industrial companies in the UK, Mainland Europe and Japan. The application of the technique of Raman spectroscopy to monitor deformation processes in high-performance fibres and composites has been developed and now extended to other materials such as carbon nanotubes and spider silk. More recently he has been concerned using Raman spectroscopy to follow the deformation of graphene in composites in collaboration with Professor Novoselov of the School of Physics and Astronomy. His other research interests include the analysis of structure/property relationships in polymers for use in packaging applications.

Dr. Duhee Yoon
Dr. Duhee Yoon is a Research Associate in the Cambridge Graphene Centre and in the Engineering Department of Cambridge University. He is in the Nanomaterials and Spectroscopy Group in the Electrical Engineering Division.

Dr. Mircea Modreanu, University College Cork
Dr. Modreanu obtained his Master of Science degree in Atomic and Molecular Physics and his Ph.D.degree in Condensed Physics Matter from University of Bucharest. Until 2002 he was working as Senior Researcher at National Institute for R&D for Microtechnologies, Bucharest, Romania for the development of novel CVD oxides and semiconductors thin films for semiconductors and MEMS and MOEMS technologies. He joined Tyndall National Institute, Cork, in 2002 where his work on the development novel material for nanoelectronics and silicon photonics applications. His expertise consists of a wide range of optical spectroscopy techniques, Raman, FTIR, optical spectrophotometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry. He has published 110 peer-reviewed publications, and has given 25 invited presentations and seminars.