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Optical System Verification (OSV)

Verify the laser power, focus and scanfield on your RenAM 500 series additive manufacturing (AM) system.

Empowering our customers

Optical System Verification provides a smart, seamless way of introducing process quality controls into your AM production workflow - at a time and frequency that suits you.

What is Optical System Verification?

Optical System Verification (OSV) refers to user-friendly tests that our RenAM 500 series customers can perform on their own machine to check and calibrate the focus, power and scanfield of their laser system.

A trained operator will be able to set up and carry out all three tests in a few minutes. The total time to complete the process is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

Renishaw's expertise

Renishaw has spent over 50 years helping our customers maximise part quality and process control. Now we are bringing our expertise across laser and machine calibration to additive manufacturing.

We want to empower our AM customers with tools like OSV, so you can confirm your system performance quickly, easily and on your own schedule, helping you consistently produce the highest quality AM parts.

Benefits of Optical System Verification

  • Regular checks of the optical system helps ensure you are producing the highest quality parts.
  • Great addition to your quality management system.
  • Users have increased confidence that AM system is performing to specifications.
  • Quick and easy process for you to carry out on your own schedule.
  • Perfect compliment to the Renishaw service cycle.

Increased data granularity and tracking

  • Users can save measurement and calibration files to give a data trail for tracking performance of machine over time.
  • Satisfies requirement for components used in regulated sectors and other safety critical industries.
  • UKAS certified traceability to international standards.

Find out more

Discover Optical System Verification for additive manufacturing.

Contact us

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