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RenAM 500Q
RenAM 500Q: faster and more cost-effective without compromising on quality.
RenAM 500Q metal additive manufacturing (AM) system
Renishaw's RenAM 500Q makes cost-effective volume production a reality. With four lasers in a compact machine footprint, you can increase your capacity without increasing factory size.
The RenAM 500Q has exceptional laser density on the powder bed, at 64 lasers per square metre. Our high productivity multi-laser system is ideal for manufacturers looking to produce top-quality components, at a lower cost per part.
Why choose the RenAM 500Q?
- Faster: With four 500 W lasers that can address the entire powder bed, automatic powder recycling and patented vacuum atmosphere preparation, the RenAM 500Q can build up to 150 cc/hour.
- Cost-effective: The compact footprint of the RenAM 500 series delivers standout cost savings for metal component volume production.
- Quality: Produce consistent and repeatable part quality, with unrivalled detail and precision. We can achieve 99.9% density, maximised strength and ductility across the whole build plate.