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Raman training
We want you to realise the full potential of your Raman system and make use of all its features and capabilities. Explore our range of training options to help you achieve this.
Raman Revealed workshop
An intensive training course where you will learn about the powerful data processing and analysis techniques available in WiRE™ software and how to apply them to your experiments.
Bespoke training
We can provide training tailored specifically for your application needs. This is delivered by our applications team either at your site, or at a Renishaw site. Please speak to your local Renishaw contact about your specific requirements.
Find out about the possibilities of Raman spectroscopy through blogs, opinions and research pieces from Renishaw applications scientists and our worldwide network of customers.
Gain valuable insights from our worldwide team of applications scientists. Watch presentations live or on-demand to learn about our products and the wide range of application areas.