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Lasing Microsystem S.A. establish relationship with Renishaw as a solution provider for high accuracy and position checking applications

Lasing Microsystem S.A. (Spain) was founded 42 years ago and was the first company to distribute laser technology in Spain. It has become a leading source of technology for instrumentation and photonics products.

Most of their work focuses on research, development and innovation in lasers and precision positioning, developing special machining processes for applications such as laser surface treatment or transparent electronic circuits.

A few years ago, Lasing partnered with Renishaw as an encoder solution provider for applications that require higher accuracy or position checking.

In this video, Gonzalo Guadaño, Director of Laser Systems Development at Lasing, discusses his experience of using Renishaw's ATOM™, ATOM DX™ and TONiC™ encoders and their applications.

Renishaw's encoder range allows for very easy and flexible system integration. We almost always use the Renishaw ATOM™ encoder and, more recently, the ATOM DX™ encoder for our more compact micromachining systems.

Lasing Microsystem S.A. (Spain)