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Conformal-cooled mould tools - how to cut cycle times and boost part quality


Additive manufacturing (AM) gives mould designers the freedom to create tools with complex internal cooling channels, which can be designed to maximise heat transfer to produce a rapid and uniform cooling effect. This leads to production cost savings in terms of cycle time, reduced scrap and longer mould life, and also to improved product quality.

Injection moulding allows plastic products to be produced in complex and intricate detail, often in sizeable batches, with repeatable tolerances and high surface quality.

For mould-makers, this means providing their customers with tools that can produce parts that perfectly replicate the 3D design in the minimum cycle time. Cooling of the plastic part as it solidifies within the mould tool is a critical factor, affecting both the cycle time and the quality of the part.

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  • Feature article:  Conformal-cooled mould tools - how to cut cycle times and boost part quality