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Understanding, and in some cases correcting, errors in systems, CMMs and motion systems is key to getting more value from your equipment.
Calibration services are carried out by skilled technicians at all our service and test centres across the world. On-site calibration is also possible for larger systems.
Calibration services
Renishaw products and systems are commonly used within the measurement and metrology industries.
Our offers include a calibration service in line with quality assurance system requirements.
Over time, the use of products and system can be affected by either wear of mechanical components or drifts in electrical components, thus potentially affecting accuracy.
All Renishaw calibrations ensure traceability of results back to national or international standards, which is a requirement for many customers' quality assurance systems.
To discover what is available to you, complete an enquiry form with your requirements or contact your local office.
Returning a product to Renishaw
Please contact your local office to confirm the correct shipping address for your region. In addition, we ask that:
- Products are packaged safely and securely to prevent possible damage in transport, using the original Renishaw packaging, if available.
- Where applicable inclusion of signed de-contamination forms.
- All batteries are removed.
- An advice slip is included, detailing:
- The return address and a contact email / telephone number
- The reason for the return
- Any relevant correspondence that you may already have had with Renishaw
- If an RMA has been supplied, the number is written on the box and/or on the paperwork.