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Sustainability governance

Since approving our sustainability delivery plan last year, our Board has maintained oversight and overall accountability for our approach to climate change. Between March and June 2023, our Board considered climate-related matters on four occasions, where they reviewed and updated matters including a revised sustainability governance structure to further embed responsibility across our business areas.

We established our initial sustainability governance structure last year. Since then, we've been working to enhance that structure to embed sustainability more effectively into our everyday business practices. Key improvements include:

– deciding that in FY2024 Will Lee, Chief Executive, will hold executive responsibility for sustainability, including climate-related financial disclosures.

– agreeing to formalise the management of sustainability including climate-related financial disclosures in FY2024 through our new ESG Steering Committee. This will be chaired by Will Lee and membership will include Stephen Wilson, one of our Non-executive Directors, to provide independent oversight; and

– establishing new climate-related objectives for our Executive Committee.

Sustainability governance structure