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SPA3 installation software

The SPA3 is supported in UCCsuite version 4.4.6 software or later. The software can be obtained online at or from your local Renishaw supplier. Follow the prompts to install the UCCserver software.

CAUTION: Do not power down the SPA3 when the parameters or firmware is being updated. This can cause an error that requires the unit to be returned to Renishaw.


The Renishaw UCCassist-2 program is a utility to assist the engineer to install, commission and maintain a UCC controlled CMM.

Capabilities of the software include:

  • Basic machine system diagnostics
  • Operation with Renishaw's machine checking gauge, enabling the user to complete frequent volumetric accuracy tests to ensure the CMM is running within the specified operational tolerances
  • Automated CMM error mapping routines, when used in conjunction with the Renishaw ML10 or XL80 laser systems