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RSP2 REVO scanning probe

Technical specifications
Part numbers
Additional information

RSP2 is a dedicated lightweight tip-sensing probe for use on REVO-2 systems, capable of 2D scanning (x, y) and 3D touch-trigger measurement

  • Knowledgebase top level image - RSP2 and REVO-2The RSP2 has a universal body to which a number of different length stylus holders, with a maximum reach of 500 mm, can be fitted
  • The type of styli that can be used with RSP2 are limited through UCCserver to ensure that acceptable metrology performance is achieved


RSP2 - dimensions

NOTE: Dimensions in mm (in). Overall dimensions are to the kinematic planes.

How the RSP2 tip sensing probe works

  • Enclosed laser directed onto a reflector at the stylus tip
  • The stylus touches the part and bends, displacing the reflector
  • The altered return path of the laser is sensed by a PSD
  • The exact tip position is known because the reflector and stylus ball are close
  • Stylus wear is minimised by low scanning force

RSP2 and RSH# changing system

The RCP TC-2 (thermally controlled REVO-2 change port) is used for changing RSP2, whereas the RCP2 (REVO-2 change port) is configured to change RSP2 stylus holders (RSH175, RSH250, RSH350, RSH450 and RSH500).

5-axis change systems - RSP2 with RCP TC-2 and RCP2

The stylus tool is used to keep the port lid open during calibration. It must be removed for normal operation. RSP2 stylus holders should not be manually fitted to the RCP.
