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Our emissions
Scope 1 & 2 emissions
Our scope 1 and 2 emissions are associated with running our business and make up 3% of our total GHG emissions.
Scope 1 emissions are all the direct emissions from our activities as an organisation or activities under our control. Including fuel combustion on site such as gas boilers, fleet vehicles and air conditioning leaks.
Scope 2 are all the indirect emissions from electricity purchased and used by the organisation. These emissions are created during the production of the energy and eventually used by the organisation.
Examples of how we are internally reducing our scope 1 & 2 emissions
- Installation of additional solar power generation systems at our manufacturing facility in Pune, India. The solar enhancement roof top project will allow us to continue towards our Net Zero targets by reducing our carbon emissions by 173 tonnes per year, with an average of 75% of the electricity usage now being provided by onsite solar panels
- Matched 99% of the grid electricity that we use in our buildings with electricity added to the grid from renewable sources
- Ordered 36 ultra-low emission vehicles to replace fossil fuel vehicles in our fleet in 10 locations, including Germany, France, China, India, Mexico and Canada

Scope 3 emissions
Our scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions from activities of the organisation, occurring from sources that we do not control. Currently our scope 3 emissions associated with business travel, procurement, waste, and water represent 97% of our total GHG emissions with the majority of those emissions being embedded within our value chain.
Examples of how we are internally reducing our scope 3 emissions
- Invested in a supplier relationship platform so that we can collect sustainability data from our suppliers and monitor their decarbonisation progress
- Changed our raw aluminium supply from a primary grade to aluminium with a minimum recycled content of 75%
- Completed GHG emissions baselines at our major UK manufacturing sites to identify opportunities to reduce emissions in areas like purchased materials, energy use, machine waste, scrap and factory consumables