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Gauging and inspection software training in the UK
We offer a selection of standard and specialised MODUS™ metrology software training courses in the UK to meet your requirements.
Based on best practice and industry standards, our training courses will develop your skills in operations, maintenance and applications, with a combination of practical tasks and theory-focused activities that suit all learning styles.
In-house training sessions take place at our Innovation Centre in Gloucestershire and provide up to four days with a dedicated training engineer, using systems designed and built by us.
Whether for CMM or Equator gauging systems, we offer three modular MODUS metrology software training courses, providing basic, intermediate and application-specific expertise tailored to your system and your needs.
MODUS™ metrology software training courses in the UK

Basic level programming courses (CMM or Equator gauge options)
This course builds a firm foundation of either CMM or Equator gauging systems' measurement concepts for users of either system. It is aimed at those with little or no CMM or Equator gauging system and MODUS metrology software experience and will develop the students to a level where they will be able to start and run the equipment confidently using the basic MODUS metrology software functions and commands.
It will also highlight the importance of component alignment strategies along with the preliminary reliable methods to achieve it.
- Creating UCCserver environments with basic tooling, racking and calibration artefacts.
- Tooling care and maintenance along with tool choice best practice.
- Co-ordinate systems and vectors and their importance to measurement.
- Different types of basic feature and the industry standard for their measurement.
- Different types of alignment suitable for most parts, manual and automatic.
- Outputting of results in a basic and graphical format.
- Compare Process (only applicable for Equator gauging systems).
Course pre-requisites
Up to four days with a dedicated trainer. Maximum four people for CMM and three people for Equator gauging systems.

Intermediate level programming course
This course is structured around the methods and techniques required to create a complex MODUS metrology software program.
Pre-measurement tasks
- Program structure
- Offline programming
- Work cells
- Program settings
- Program headers/prompts
- Calibration
- Subroutines and verification
- Intrinsic functions
- High level logic
- Advanced curve scanning
- Advanced programming techniques
Post measurement
- Evaluation
- Curve trimming and filtering
- Devices
- Reading and writing to files
- Formatted output
Course pre-requisites
Basic level user competence.
Up to four days with a dedicated trainer. Maximum four people for CMM and three people for Equator gauging systems.
PH10, PH20, REVO, Equator gauging system.

Application-specific programming courses
- Aerofoil analysis
- Surface finish measurement with SFP2 surface finish probe for REVO
- MODUS gear application
- Non-contact measurement with RVP vision probe for REVO
- IPC/Automation (Equator gauging system)