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System features and accessories for Raman spectroscopy
Our innovative Raman systems include many patented features. These unique technologies ensure that our Raman microscopes are fast, flexible and fully automated. Find out more about the system features and microscope components that convince leading scientists to choose Renishaw's Raman spectrometers.
You can also use your Renishaw Raman spectrometer with a wide range of accessories. These include high-quality microscope objective lenses, fibre-optic probes for long distance remote analysis and a wide variety of environmental stages. Get in touch with your specific requirements and we will be happy to advise.

Explore the benefits of a fully automated Raman system. You can change your Raman instrument configuration or run auto-alignment or calibration routines with just one click. You can also set up and queue multiple measurements, even remotely.

Find out why our MS30 high speed encoded stage is perfect for high-speed, high-resolution Raman imaging. You can trust the MS30 stage for safe, fast and accurate sample movement. In contrast, the MZ40 Z stage is suitable for large and heavy samples.

Get chemical images faster with StreamHR™ and StreamLine™ imaging technologies. Our patented high-speed Raman and photoluminescence (PL) imaging techniques are fast and sensitive.

Understand the surface chemistry of uneven samples with topographical Raman images. Activate LiveTrack™ focus-tracking technology to stay in focus automatically.

Get the best spectra by choosing the right laser wavelength, filters and diffraction grating. We have designed the research-grade inVia™ confocal Raman microscope to swap easily between a full range of optics.

Get the entire Raman spectrum at high spectral resolution for confident material identification. Our SynchroScan™ extended scanning technology can help you to collect artefact-free extended spectra.

Environmental control
Renishaw supplies a wide range of environmental control solutions. These enable you to make in situ Raman and photoluminescence measurements in a variety of precisely controlled environments, including temperature control, high pressure, electrochemical, humidity and cell incubators.

Light collection optics
It is critical to select the most appropriate objective lens for your experiment, whether using a microscope, a fibre probe, or other light delivery means. This is key to ensuring successful Raman measurements, as it determines the volume of material sampled, and the efficiency with which the Raman scattered light is collected.

Our innovations extend to our powerful Windows®-based Raman Environment (WiRE) software. WiRE software contains many patented tools for fast data collection and analysis.

Experience Renishaw's advanced technologies on our cutting-edge Raman systems. Get analytical results faster with our proven solutions.
Raman products
See how Renishaw's own technologies and products are used during the design, testing and manufacture of our Raman products. This helps us to achieve the highest levels of performance and stability.