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Particle Analysis: automated image-targeted identification

The Particle Analysis software module identifies particles on microscope images. It reports on the morphology parameters (such as size and aspect ratio), and then guides the inVia™ Raman microscope to chemically identify them.

Target particles of interest

Raman imaging of samples can yield a large number of particles which can take a long time to process. Use Particle Analysis to contrast, size and separate individual particles in your image and generate a list from which to choose for analysis. Simply select your particles of interest for in-depth chemical analysis to save time. The list can be sorted and filtered to make even very large particle numbers easy to manage.

  • Sort and filter particles by morphology
  • Quickly access individual particle information
  • Easily view particles with detailed colour thumbnails

Dedicated software for a range of applications

The Particle Analysis module is applicable to a wide range of different applications. These include the analysis of filtered environmental particles such as microplastics, deposited pharmaceutical sprays and inhalers, forensic trace materials, graphene and other 2D materials, and biological applications such as cytology.

Simple workflow for ease of use

Our six-step, automated workflow will take you from image generation to reporting results, ensuring that you don't miss a thing.

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We're here when you need us

Our specialists have a wealth of experience across a broad range of Raman application areas.

Contact them to find out more about these, or an application that isn't covered here.

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