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Lab2Clinic™ - central nervous system (CNS) drug delivery service

Opening the pathway from laboratory to clinic for neurological therapies

What is Lab2Clinic CNS drug delivery service?

Lab2Clinic CNS drug delivery service is an innovative concept which leverages Renishaw's extensive experience in neurological drug delivery to accelerate the drug development timeline, aiding translation from research to clinical trials.

Lab2Clinic utilises Renishaw's novel neuroinfusedrug delivery system in both research phases and clinical applications, ensuring an efficient translational research pathway.

Renishaw offer a comprehensive service to improve the potential for your neurological therapies, facilitating translation from the lab into the clinic, sometimes referred to as bench-to-bedside.

Consistency is key

Delivery to the parenchyma, ventricles or the wider CNS is a complex process with a wide range of variables. Success in early research often doesn't translate into clinical practice where new challenges can surface, often caused by inconsistent delivery of devices or infusion regimes.

The stages of Lab2Clinic™

Drug development opportunities

The development team behind the neuroinfuse drug delivery system has considerable experience investigating novel infusion regimes.

By using our products and engaging with our experts as early as possible, we can help pharmaceutical partners ensure new therapies suitable for CNS delivery are translated into clinical studies as effectively and cost efficiently as possible.

Testing the drug and delivery method in combination, enables product troubleshooting to take place well in advance of clinical investigation.

As uncertainty is addressed and risk reduced at each development stage, this collaborative approach provides investors and pharmacological experts with the confidence required to progress towards clinical practice.

Potential applications for neuroinfuse

Gene therapyCellsDrugsProteinsEnzymes

At present, the Renishaw neuroinfuse chronic and acute drug delivery system can only be used in the setting of an approved clinical trial.

Renishaw is currently seeking academic, clinical and commercial partners across a wide range of indications, from oncology to neurodegenerative diseases.

The purpose of this webpage is only to obtain partners and not to make the device generally available.

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