SP25M introduction
CAUTION: Before unpacking and installing the SP25M probe system, the user should carefully read the safety instructions in this document and ensure that they are followed at all times by all operators using the probe system.
Renishaw's innovative SP25M is the world's most compact and versatile scanning probe system and is actually two sensors in one - enabling the user to scan for form measurement or reverse engineering and as a touch-trigger probe (TTP) for geometric size and position measurement.
Highly accurate scanning performance with stylus lengths from 20 mm - 400 mm, together with the ability to carry Renishaw's TP20 range of touch-trigger probe modules, means that the SP25M system provides unmatched flexibility to optimise a measurement solution to suit the application.
The probe is only 25 mm in diameter with an autojoint mount for compatibility with Renishaw's PH10M PLUS / PH10MQ PLUS and PH6M probe heads. It can also be mounted using a multiwired extension bar. Together, these combinations permit excellent reach and access to part features.
With its advanced modular design, the SP25M system is available as an attractively priced 'entry level' scanning probe kit, comprising a probe body, one of the five scanning modules and matching stylus holders. The scanning modules are designed to cover specific stylus length ranges whilst maintaining excellent accuracy performance. The system can be readily expanded as desired to further increase scanning range, include TP20 touch-trigger probe functionality or an automatic changer system.
The full potential of the SP25M system is realised when the measurement routine is automated. To achieve this, Renishaw has developed its most flexible change rack system ever; the FCR25, which allows rapid and repeatable exchange between all the SP25M system elements.
The FCR25 is a triple port unit that mounts directly on Renishaw's MRS (modular rack system) and permits multiple port solutions (3, 6, 9, 12, 15 etc). Alternatively, two compact standalone racks: FCR25-L3 (3 port) and FCR25-L6 (6 port), will be of particular interest for use with small CMM's and optical CMM's where machine space is limited.
FCR25 TC is a triple port unit that is available as either single leg or MRS mounting. This is used to maintain scanning modules (SM25-1 / 2 / 3 / 4) at operating temperature.
Scope of this document
This document is intended as a guide to initial installation and integration of the Renishaw SP25M analogue scanning/measurement probe system. It assumes that you will be using the Renishaw AC3 (ISA bus) analogue interface PC card to interface the probe. Users wishing to integrate SP25M themselves, or via Renishaw's UCC controller, should contact Renishaw for more details.
This installation guide assumes that you have read or have acccess to the SP25M user guide for detail regarding fitment of the probes, modules and stylus holders.