ACC2-3 | Auotchange controller |
ACR1 | Autochange rack |
CCA | Change cycle aborted (error condition) |
CMM | Coordinate measuring machine |
CNA | Command not accepted (error report) |
CR | Carriage return (communication instruction) |
CTS | Clear to send (RS232 communication instruction) |
DIL | Dual-in-line (common abbreviation for small configuration switch) |
DTR | Data terminal ready (RS232 communication instruction) |
EES | Excessive entry speed (error condition) |
GNR | G instruction not received (error condition) |
INC | Incorrect command (error condition) |
LED OFF | Light emitting diode off (PICS signal) |
LF | Line feed (communication instruction) |
LME | Lock mechanism error (error condition) |
LOA | Lock operation aborted (error condition) |
LTE | Lid time-out error (error condition) |
MMC | Measuring machine controller |
PAA | Probe adaptor autochange |
PDAMP | Probe DAMPed (PICS instruction) |
PEM | Probe extension multiwire |
PI 7-3 | Probe interface (for TP7 probe) |
PI 200-3 | Probe interface (for TP200 probe) |
PICS | Product interconnection system |
PPOFF | Probe power off (PICS instruction) |
RNC | Rack not connected (error condition) |
ROE | Rack overtravel error (error condition) |
RTS | Request to send (RS232 communication instruction) |
Rx | Received data (RS232 communication instruction) |
Stand-alone mode | A mode of operation of the ACC2-3 in which no communications are required |
STOP | Stop (PICS signal) |
SYNC | Synchronisation (PICS signal) |
Tx | Transmitted data (RS232 communication signal) |