1/4-20 multi-hole acrylic plate, 0.47 in × 10 in × 10 in

Product code: R-PV-501010-50-20R

Price: $506.00

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This 1/4-20 multi-hole acrylic base plate provides maximum flexibility to anyone who has parts of varying shapes and sizes that need fixturing at the same time. The 1/4-20 threaded holes are spaced at 0.5 in intervals and there is a clear section in the centre of the plate for an unrestricted view of small parts. Steel pins pressed into the side of the plate ensure quick, repeatable plate loading with a Renishaw QuickLoad™ corner (QLC) device.

The letter R at end of a vision plate part number indicates that the plate is designed for use with a lower right mounting QLC.

Technical table

Base plate materialAcrylic
Measurement systemImperial
Number of threaded holes280
Plate Dimensions (in)0.47 x 10 x 10

Technical documentation

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