HSI-C interface

Product code: A-6527-1000

Price: $264.00

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A hard-wired transmission interface that conveys and processes signals between the inspection probe and the CNC machine controller.

Different probe operating configurations can be selected by a switch on the interface.

The HSI-C interface unit is compatible with the MP250 high-accuracy strain gauge probe with RENGAGE™ technology and standard kinematic hard-wired probes. Features an ‘inhibit’ mode allowing the probe to be powered off when not in use.

Units are DIN rail mounted and feature an ‘easy fit’ location mechanism.

Technical table

Transmission typeHard-wired

Key features and benefits:

• Simple, quick installation
• Compatible with the MP250 high-accuracy strain gauge probe with RENGAGE technology and standard kinematic hard-wired probes
• Enables the user to select a suitable level of immunity to false triggering for the connected probe, caused by machine vibrations or accelerations
• Responds to a config override input that switches the probe to the highest level of immunity to false triggering when either manoeuvring to a measure position at high speed, or when measuring with ‘heavy’ styli at high speed

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