SH25-5 stylus holder for use with SM25-5

Product code: A-2237-1305

  • SH25-5

Price: $297.00

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The SH25 range of stylus holders enables accurate scanning measurements with effective stylus lengths ranging from 20 mm - 400 mm. They have a kinematic coupling that connects to their respective SM25 scanning modules to provide a repeatable connection that eliminates the need for probe requalification after a change. The stylus holders are designed to only fit with their respective scanning module. They should be used with Renishaws M3 range of styli.

NOTE: The SH25-1 / 2 / 3 /4 holders are recommended for use with linear stylus arrangements, while the SH25-5 and SH25-2A / 3A / 4A holders are recommended for use with cranked and star stylus arrangements.

Technical documentation

  • SP25M compact scanning probe system SP25M compact scanning probe system

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