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Legal notice - Canada

Essential legal details

Corporate details

This web site is owned and operated by Renishaw (Canada) Limited (“Renishaw”), which has its registered head office at 2196 Dunwin Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C7.


While Renishaw has attempted to ensure the accuracy of information published on this web site, it is possible that some sections may be incomplete, out of date or incorrect, and no guarantees are made that the website's content will be error-free, accurate, complete or current at all or any times. It is therefore essential that you verify all such information with us before taking any action in reliance upon it.

Renishaw and its affiliates have no liability whatsoever for your use of any information, form or documents. In particular, but not as a limitation thereof, Renishaw and its affiliates are not liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, loss of profits, litigation or the like), whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. All responsibility or liability for any damages caused by viruses contained within the electronic file containing the form or document is also disclaimed.

The negation of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between Renishaw and you. This site and the information, forms, agreements and documents would not be provided without such limitations.

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You can read about how we use cookies on this site.

Data protection

You can find out how we collect and use your data in our data privacy notice.

Intellectual Property Rights

The contents of these pages are copyright © 2001 - 2018 Renishaw plc. The copying or incorporation into any other work of part or all of the material available on the web site in any form is prohibited save that you may:

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  2. Copy the material on this site for the purpose of sending to individual third parties for their personal information provided that you acknowledge us as the source of information and that you inform the third party that these conditions apply to them and that they must comply with them.

RENISHAW, the probe symbol used in the RENISHAW logo, REVO, Renscan and Qontor are registered trademarks of Renishaw plc, RenDX is the registered trademark of Renishaw Diagnostics Limited and neuromate is the registered trademark of Renishaw Mayfield S.A. in the United Kingdom and other countries. apply innovation and names and designations of other Renishaw products and technologies are trademarks of Renishaw plc or its subsidiaries.

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Governing law

This web site, including this notice, is governed by the laws of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario.